Did you lie? I did. I would take every opportunity to tell you something so you would give me what I wanted. I would tell you that this was it. That this was the last time. I would sleep on your couch and go through your wallet. I would convince you that I was good. That there wasn't a demon inside of me.
But there was. Oh there was. My Demon was strong. My Demon would let me sleep at night after I had stolen from you. My Demon kept me scared. If they light shined on me I would run through the woods like a wounded animal. My inner self was a black and brittle. Scarred from the fire that I had set upon myself.
What I would do to drink all night. What I would do to smoke weed at first and then to do heroin. I would turn my back on my home and my life and I would screw someone else then sleep by her side and whisper lies in her ear when she woke just so she wouldn't know what the people in my life already did.
That I had a Demon inside of me.
Then once when all had turned their backs on me because I was evil and dark and I had no one left to con I heard his voice. I heard it and He told me what to do. Since that day I have been following His word and He told me that now was the time to spread the word farther and to ask you all to join with me and my brothers in receiving the monetary quest of 10,000 before the end of the year. If we all join and do this it will be revealed. When it is revealed it will be revealed to all of us that gave. And none of us will have that Demon inside of us anymore.
Brian, I think your post is so beautiful. What a wonderful way to start this new blog, at the very beginning. I was like you, am like you. When I read that it was like your words came alive and danced inside my head and filled me with gratitude for what He has done. He loves you, Brian. He loves you and I think you're a beautiful representation of life in the light.